Questions and Answers For:

Improvements to Route 24 2017-CH-042

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Date Asked: 07/28/2017 Date Answered: 08/03/2017
Poster: WAYNE CLARKE Company: cardi corp
Signs SP-1, SP-2 and SP-3 signs on Detail 4 states the signs are overhead mounted and on the plans they are shown as post mounted RI Std 24.2. Please clarify
They should be post mounted.
Date Asked: 07/05/2017 Date Answered: 07/05/2017
Poster: Lee Taylor Company: D'Ambra Const. Co., Inc.
Code 409.9901 and 409.9902 joint repairs calls for both types to be removed by a cold planer down to the existing concrete. Why can't an excavating machine be used for the bituminous pavement material to be removed?
A cold planer was specified to minimize damage to the underlying concrete layer. Other methods may be acceptable if damage is limited to the satisfaction of the Engineer. If damage is determined to be unacceptable by the Engineer, a cold planer shall be used for the remainder of the work at no additional cost to the State.