Yes. After speaking to several municipalities and adjusting internal timelines, RIDOT is able to extend the municipal obligation deadline to July 31, 2024.
The Municipal Road Grant Program is administered by the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT). The program was created by Governor McKee and enacted by the General Assembly in the 2024 Appropriation Act with a funding of $20 million from the State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF) program.
The program provides funding to municipalities for the construction and maintenance of roads, sidewalks, and bridges. To be considered for funding, bridges must be on a local public way and must be on the State Bridge Inventory.
All municipalities are eligible for funding under this program. Program funding, for those municipalities that participate, consists of a 67% local contribution with a 33% “match" provided by the state. The first $5 million of funding is distributed equally, with each municipality eligible for $128,205. The remaining $15 million is distributed proportionately based on each municipality’s share of non-federally eligible lane miles.
Municipal Road & Bridge Potential Distributions | Municipal Road & Bridge Presentation |
RIDOT will begin accepting applications for the Municipal Road and Bridge Fund beginning August 2; all applications must be submitted by October 15, 2023, to be eligible for funding through the Municipal Road and Bridge Fund.
Following submission of applications, RIDOT will evaluate proposed plans and provide assistance and support to ensure applications are complete and projects are finished on time. The application process will be completed through our new application portal, available August 2, where municipal representatives can outline project limits, provide relevant information, and certify match funds availability. All awards will be finalized by December 15, 2023.
Can the June 30, 2024, municipal obligation deadline be extended?
Yes. After speaking to several municipalities and adjusting internal timelines, RIDOT is able to extend the municipal obligation deadline to July 31, 2024.
Can the municipalities utilize ARPA funds to support the 67% percent local contribution?
Yes, however, only funds under the Revenue Replacement expenditure category under the Local Fiscal Relief Fund (LFRF) allotment, not under any other expenditure category. If a municipality has spent all of its revenue replacement LFRF dollars, it cannot use any other LFRF dollars as a match; in this instance, matching funds would need to come from another source.
No, project approvals will proceed on a rolling basis and can begin once the application in the portal has been approved and the Local Public Agency Agreement has been executed.
Are utility expenditures considered reimbursable?
No, all direct utility expenditures are non-reimbursable under the program. This includes, but is not limited to gas, water, sewer and electric.
Can a municipality sign a contract and award a PO before an application is approved by RIDOT?
Yes, but no expenditures incurred under the contract will be reimbursable until the application in the portal has been approved and the Local Public Agency Agreement has been executed.
Can the local match be in-kind, or does it have to be cash?
The program requires a cash match.
What does RIDOT need for proof of obligation?
A purchase order or orders equal to or greater than the amount provided to each municipality.
Yes, labor hours will need to be tracked and provided to RIDOT but will be considered as reimbursable provided they are directly applicable to an approved project and the costs were incurred after the application in the portal has been approved and the Local Public Agency Agreement has been executed.
If a municipality makes direct purchases for materials, are those costs reimbursable?
Yes, the costs will be eligible provided they are directly associated with an approved project and that the original procurement methodology is consistent with the state’s procurement policies and procedures. For most cases, this means an agreement that was competitively bid. Materials procured prior to the approval of a project application and execution of a Local Public Agency Agreement will not be reimbursable.
First Communication Letter | 7/13/2023 |
Lunch & Learn | 7/20/2023 |
Application Portal Opens | 8/02/2023 |
Application Close | 10/15/2023 |
RIDOT Finalizes Projects & Awards | 12/15/2023 |
Municipal Obligation Period Ends | 07/31/2024 |
Project Completion By | 10/31/2026 |
Final Payments Made By | 12/31/2026 |