Welcome to RIDOT

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) designs, constructs, and maintains the state's surface transportation system. This includes not only roads and bridges but also the state's rail stations, tolling program, bike paths and ferry service.

In 2016, with the passage of the sweeping RhodeWorks legislation, the department underwent a complete restructuring as mandated by the legislation. As part of this restructuring, RIDOT developed the first ever 10-year transportation plan for the state and has adopted unprecedented accountability measures. The $5 billion RhodeWorks program provides for the planning, execution, management and funding to bring Rhode Island's infrastructure into a state of good repair by the year 2025.

Accountability is a core value at RIDOT and we urge those interested in learning more about projects we are working on to view the latest edition of our Quarterly Report.

Peter Alviti, Jr. P.E.


Director Peter AlvitiPeter Alviti, Jr. became Director of the Rhode Island Department of Transportation in February 2015 with a mandate from the Governor's Office to plan, fund, and implement a strategic framework for rebuilding Rhode Island's infrastructure and to reorganize RIDOT to provide more cost-effective project delivery. At the time, Rhode Island's bridges were ranked the worst in the nation.

Within eight months, Director Alviti put forth a 10-year transportation plan designed to systematically repair roads and bring the state's bridges into a state of good repair within ten years, replacing 150 structurally deficient bridges and repairing an additional 500. It was a first for Rhode Island and made the state one of only three in the nation with such a plan. It transformed the project planning and selection process from an antiquated political process into an effective data-driven asset management planning methodology based on defined metrics that will save Rhode Islanders over $1 billion in the first 10 years.

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Working with the Governor and the legislature, the Director created a landmark piece of legislation to ensure that a steady funding source would be available to rebuild Rhode Island's transportation infrastructure. RhodeWorks, as the measure is known, designated $4.7 billion over the initial ten-year period to finance road improvements, bridge replacement, massive transit developments, stormwater improvements, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure, and maintenance of all state transportation assets. RhodeWorks is designed to create jobs and promote economic development.

Simultaneously with the creation of RhodeWorks, Director Alviti began a comprehensive restructuring of the department of transportation. Key among these changes was the transition to a best-practice project management approach where managers are completely responsible for construction projects from design to completion and for ensuring that they are on time, under budget and within scope. The Department went from having about 50 percent of its projects being on-time and on-budget to more than 90 percent being on time and on budget.

RIDOT also implemented a transparency and accountability portal that reports on every aspect of its project planning and execution and publishes quarterly reports that provide detailed accounting for every penny it spends and how well the Department is executing its projects.

Under Director Alviti's leadership, RIDOT received more than $719 million in competitive federal funding. These dollars allowed the Department to fund significant bridge reconstruction and replacement projects, including the Henderson Bridge, the Washington Bridge, the Providence Viaduct North, the Huntington Viaduct, and bridges along the Route 37 corridor.

Prior to joining RIDOT, Alviti was Principal Owner of Hudson Place Associates, a consulting civil engineering services firm. He also served as Director of Programs for the Laborers International Union of North America and as Director of Public Works for the City of Cranston, Rhode Island.

He serves as chairman of the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority and the Rhode Island Public Rail Corporation and is a board member of the State Planning Council, the State Traffic Commission, the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority, and the Northeast Corridor Commission (NEC).

A registered engineer in both Rhode Island and Massachusetts, he holds a B.S. in Construction Technology from Roger Williams University and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Northeastern University.

Cynthia Parker
Director's Office
Phone: (401) 563-4003

Have Questions?

RIDOT Constituent Services
2 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401-222-2450
Toll Free: 1-844-DOT-ROAD