Questions and Answers For:

Improvements to JT Connell & Coddington Highway 2019-CH-033

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Date Asked: 12/27/2019 Date Answered: 12/30/2019
Poster: Peter Calcagni Company: Manafort Brothers Inc
The how many SWI and curb inlets are located at each of bioretention area? Looking at the plans it looks like 2 side by side but the detail only shows 1 and the plan only calls out 1 at each bioretention area.
There is one curb inlet per bioretention basin. The Plans will be revised by Addendum for clarification.
Date Asked: 12/27/2019 Date Answered: 12/30/2019
Poster: Peter Calcagni Company: Manafort Brothers Inc
Can you please add a bid item for the QPA item code 700.9906?
Item Code 700.9906 Qualified Pervious Areas will be added by Addendum.
Date Asked: 12/27/2019 Date Answered: 12/30/2019
Poster: Peter Calcagni Company: Manafort Brothers Inc
Is the backfill/drainage material for the segmental block retaining wall system considered incidental to the segmental block wall or is there a separate pay item?
The reinforced (infill) soil and drainage aggregate are incidental and paid for under Item 911.9901. All work mentioned in the Specifications - Job Specific for 911.9901 is incidental to that Item except those specifically listed in the Basis of Payment section.
Date Asked: 12/27/2019 Date Answered: 12/30/2019
Poster: Peter Calcagni Company: Manafort Brothers Inc
Is the level pad construction of the segmental block wall paid under item 911.9901 or is it paid under 203.0600 Fill Gravel Borrow under Structures?
The leveling pad is paid for under Item 911.9901. All work mentioned in the Specifications - Job Specific for 911.9901 is incidental to that Item except those specifically listed in the Basis of Payment section.
Date Asked: 12/27/2019 Date Answered: 12/30/2019
Poster: Peter Calcagni Company: Manafort Brothers Inc
Can you please review quantities for item 401.4000 Class 4.75 HMA? The quantity seems high based on 1" for the bike path.
The quantity will be revised by Addendum.
Date Asked: 12/27/2019 Date Answered: 12/31/2019
Poster: Peter Calcagni Company: Manafort Brothers Inc
Can you please review quantities for item 202.0700 Common Borrow ? The quantity provided in the Addendum #4 DOQ seems high.
The item will be reviewed and clarified as needed in an addendum.
Date Asked: 12/27/2019 Date Answered: 12/31/2019
Poster: Peter Calcagni Company: Manafort Brothers Inc
Can you please review quantities for item 204.0100 Trim and Fine grade? The quantity seems high with the new loam and seed items provided in the Addendum #4 DOQ.
The item will be reviewed and clarified as needed in an addendum.
Date Asked: 11/21/2019 Date Answered: 12/23/2019
Poster: Lee Taylor Company: D'Ambra Const. Co., Inc.
Will the addendum mentioned in the answers to questions be coming soon? If any question may come up "After" the addendum comes out it would be good to have enough time to review any changes.
Your comment is noted.
Date Asked: 11/05/2019 Date Answered: 11/13/2019
Poster: Lee Taylor Company: D'Ambra Const. Co., Inc.
Please provide a job specific specification for Item #29 - 406.9901 FULL DEPTH RECLAMATION WITH CALCIUM CHLORIDE. Depth of cut, application rate of calcium chloride, other ?
A job specific specification will be provided by addendum.
Date Asked: 11/05/2019 Date Answered: 11/13/2019
Poster: Lee Taylor Company: D'Ambra Const. Co., Inc.
There are no job specific specifications for various items. Please provide a description of the work entailed for the following items: Item #29 - 406.9901, Item #31 -700.9901, Item #36 - 701.9902, Item #37 - 701.9903, Item #74 - 910.9901, Item #99 - T11.9901, and Item #100 - T12.9901. Some of these have given bid amounts however there is no description of the work that is anticipated, or where the work will be performed. How will the undescribed work items effect the other contract work to be performed? Is there an anticipated time frame where plans will be finalized regarding water main and drainage repairs? Will other contract work be able to commence at the beginning of the 2020 construction season, or should the general contractor plan on idle time until the unknown drainage repairs and water main improvements plans are finalized?
Additional information and clarification for these items will be provided by addendum.
Date Asked: 10/15/2019 Date Answered: 10/17/2019
Poster: Lee Taylor Company: D'Ambra Const. Co., Inc.
Item #31 - 700.9901 - Stormwater Treatment Units has a bid quantity of 100,000 each but no given bid price in Quest.
This item will be revised by addendum.
Date Asked: 09/30/2019 Date Answered: 10/17/2019
Poster: Raymond Giordano Company: Cardi Corporation
Please review the Grading and Profile plans. There appear to be errors and/or discrepancies in some centerline and gutter grades on the Grade plans.
Your comment is noted and revised plans will be provided by addendum.
Date Asked: 09/30/2019 Date Answered: 10/17/2019
Poster: Raymond Giordano Company: Cardi Corporation
Please provide grade and location plans for the Shared Use Path.
The plans will be issued by addendum.
Date Asked: 09/30/2019 Date Answered: 10/17/2019
Poster: Raymond Giordano Company: Cardi Corporation
Note 1 on various general plans states that "Final design of retaining walls to be provided by addendum". When will tthis addendum be issued?
Addendums are typically issued a minimum of 7 calendar days prior to bid opening.