6/10 Reconstruction Project

  • RIDOT Featured Detour Map
    Route 6/10 Reconstruction Project, Providence
  • RIDOT Featured Detour Map
    Route 6/10 Reconstruction Project, Providence

The Project

The Route 6/10 Interchange Reconstruction project is reconstructing the entire interchange within the existing highway right of way, while replacing or removing the seven structurally deficient bridges within the project area. The project highlights include:

  • The Huntington Viaduct (Route 10 southbound) will be removed and the roadway lowered to approximately the grade of Route 10 northbound and below the reconstructed bridges carrying Westminster Street and Broadway.
  • A direct connection to provide the missing move from Route 10 northbound to Route 6 westbound by construction of a flyover ramp, improving regional traffic flow and reducing local traffic congestion in Olneyville.
  • Replace the Tobey Street on-ramp with a new two-way connection between Tobey Street and Harris Avenue that will enhance access across the highway at this location. A new Harris Avenue connection to either Route 6 westbound or Route 10 southbound (including a new one way westerly service road) will address traffic weaving issues at the existing on-ramp.
  • Construct new bridge crossings over the highway for Westminster Street, Broadway, and Harris Avenue/Tobey Street. These wider boulevards will include new, multi-use paths providing separate, safe routes for pedestrians and bicyclists. These new crossings combined with replacing the existing Huntington Viaduct with a depressed roadway will substantially reduce the existing highway barrier between the neighborhoods of Olneyville to the west and Federal Hill and West End to the east.
  • New bicycle/pedestrian paths extending through the project area from Union Avenue to Tobey Street that will enhance connectivity between area neighborhoods and connect the Woonasquatucket River Bikeway and Washington Secondary Bike Path.
  • Better local traffic circulation and improved access.
  • Gateway aesthetics: Additional measures will be taken for landscaping and visual improvements

Why We're Replacing the 6/10

  • The 6/10 is old, built in the 1950s
  • Links three major commuter roadways
  • Way above capacity, carrying 100,000 vehicles daily
  • Nine bridges, seven are structurally deficient
  • Has been bandaged and propped up for years
  • Millions of dollars spent to keep the bridges open and safe
  • We have to do this work - it cannot wait any longer

Project Schedule & Cost

  • Location: Providence
  • Start Construction: 2018
  • Finish Construction: 2024
  • Total Projected Cost: $410 Million
  • Detours Needed: Yes

Current Traffic Changes

Maps & Graphics
Route 6 Eastbound to Route 10 - Weekend Closure  
Harris Ave Ramp Closed  
6/10 Illustrative Plan
Westminster Street On-Ramp Intermittent Closures
Try Transit

Commuter rail service is a great alternative for commuters from Warwick and South County who normally drive through the interchange. RIPTA bus service offers several options too for an easier commute.

Environmental Fact Sheets

Reconstruction Presentation


Electrical work requires the closures of the ramp from Route 6 East to Route 10 South, Tuesday night from 10 p.m. to 5 a.m., and alternating lanes on Route 10 North, from Union Avenue to Dean Street, weekdays from 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please follow signed detour.

Click here for the latest lane closure information