RIDOT Utility Permit Applications

Utility Permit Application

A utility permit is required in order to place utilities within or upon the RIDOT right-of-way. Examples of utilities are above and underground electric power transmission, telephone or telegraph lines, cellular communication towers, fiber optic lines, pole lines, community antenna television lines, railways, ditches, sewers, water, heat or gas mains, gas, steam, chemical, petroleum, and other pipelines and service connections, flumes or other structures, renewable energy generation (i.e., solar photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, etc.), or other similar facilities, including fire or police signal systems or street lighting systems which, under the laws of the State of Rhode Island or ordinance by any city or town may be constructed, placed, or maintained across or along a highway, street, or road.

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation is now accepting electronic submission of all Utility Permit Applications. For any questions, please contact the RIDOT Maintenance Division at (401) 734-4835.

Approved Temporary Traffic Control Plans

Browse List Applications

Have Questions?

RIDOT Constituent Services
2 Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02903
Phone: 401-222-2450
Toll Free: 1-844-DOT-ROAD